Romanticizing War by tristero

Romanticizing War

by tristero

No doubt David Finkel is an excellent reporter, a good writer, and likely his heart is in the right place. Nevertheless:
Removed from the bonds of their unit — severed from the love of comrades that Finkel calls “the truth of war” — each soldier navigates the postwar on his own...”
Nope. War has exactly one fundamental truth: mass slaughter. All the rest - the bonding, the obscene justifications for war dreamt up by those who stand to gain from mass killing - they are all merely corollaries of that truth.

Of course, Finkel's remark is just a literary flourish, something we notice, if at all, as simply a sign that the writer is intelligent and thoughtful. But micro-rhetoric matters. Tropes such as Finkel's serve to romanticize war by locating war's truth anywhere except in the killing. Often inadvertently, they help validate a pervasive mindset that considers the indiscriminate carnage of war a reasonable price to pay, even when other, more sensible and less bloody alternatives exist.

Robert Fisk is one of the few who understood war's real truth.
